My Sources of News

    Where do people get their news from? Social media? The paper? There seem to be a few factors that can influence where people read (or watch) the news. Kids in high school and college tend to favor social media as their main news source while their parents and grandparents prefer to read the paper and watch the news. 

With the advancements in technology, people have the world at their fingertips. Social media makes news accessible instantly. Everyone has their own preferences, but here are my top five news outlets:

1. Twitter

Twitter is my main source of news. I hate to admit it, but I'm on Twitter at least three times a day. It's easily accessible, I have the option to watch a video or read an article attached to a tweet. Hearing other people's opinions can also be a helpful way to learn (if there is evidence to back it up). I prefer Twitter over more traditional outlets such as the paper because various news outlets either live stream what's happening or there are instantaneous updates whenever anything significant happens. Since this is social media I try to be aware of the bias that is 

2.NBC News 

For as long as I can remember I would sit on the couch and watch NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. I'll only actually watch the news when I'm with my parents, but their articles seem to be my go tos when I'm scrolling on Twitter or after a google search about a recent event. I do realize that all news outlets have are biased so I do try to use multiple sources when reading about current events. 

This is where I get my fix of entertainment news. I don't necessarily use this outlet a lot, but it is nice to catch up every once in a while and read articles on celebrities instead of a tweet with limited information. This news outlet as well as their tab on Snapchat fulfill that guilty pleasure and celebrity news fix when it comes to reading the news.

I read the Daily Mail news tab on Snapchat every morning. It's very accessible and covers a variety of topics. It's convenient and many of the articles are fairly short. If one article catches my eye I will usually look into the topic more through some of the other news outlets listed. 

I do get a little bit of news from Tiktok. People do post their first-hand experiences of natural disasters to protests. I have seen many people use this platform to speak out and inform their audience on issues that the majority may not even know about because they live in a different place or because the issue may not have been in the mainstream news. One of the main downfalls of this platform is that the videos are only allowed to be a minute long so it is hard to have all of the context of the video. As I've said before, I do like to get the whole story so this platform is a good foundation to do more independent research.